Sing Together!

¡Cantemos Juntos!


Sing Together! is an after-school music program for newcomer/English Language Learner TK-1st grade students and their families. Through songs and games in their native language, this program seeks to help participants take pride in their native language, build English proficiency, and deepen their connections to each other and to their school community. Parents are encouraged to attend and participate in each session. School staff will also join regularly.

Sing Together! began in 2022 at La Escuelita Elementary in response to need in the school community for an after-school transitional language program. After the great success of the pilot program, and in response to more requests for its inclusion in Cantare’s offerings, this year we are offering it at La Escuelita and Greenleaf Elementary Schools in Spanish and at Lincoln and Franklin Elementary Schools in Mandarin.

Bring Sing Together to your school!

Conway Tan-Gregory
Director of Music Education

My son has gained appreciation for music and melody. He enjoys singing with friends and finding joy in familiar lyrics and tunes. Most importantly I see him make lifelong memories being a part of an amazing group of friends and instructors.

After-School Choir Parent